Complimentary Resources


Schedule a Discovery Call

Duration: 30 min

30-minute Free Call with Maria Kliavkoff to identify the next steps that are right for you in your grief journey.


Facebook Group

This group was created for people who have been suffering with grief and are interested in learning how to move through their grief process with ease and grace.
If you are ready to be present to your grief, willing to make the choices necessary to convert your grief to mourning, and curious where your grief journey will lead, then you are in the right place. And I am so glad that you have found us.


Welcome. This Podcast was created for people who are grieving. Together, we revolutionize how we think about grief, learning to convert our grief to mourning in authentic ways. Your host, Maria Kliavkoff, is committed to walking with you and finding peace, ease and grace in your grief journey. Subscribe to this channel to receive weekly broadcasts.


This channel was created for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. It may be a recent loss, it may be a grief you have been burying and carrying. The intention of the video’s on this channel is to bring clarity, understanding and compassion to support you in your grief journey.

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